How to Print Etsy Shipping Labels with a Dymo Printer
Shipping your Etsy items can be time-consuming without the right tools. There are some really helpful tips that will make printing Etsy shipping labels easier.
So what is the best way to print Etsy shipping labels? To make printing Etsy shipping labels quicker and easier, we highly recommend getting a DYMO 4XL Labelwriter printer. Buy purchasing labels through Etsy, printing them on a label printer, and dropping it off at the post office, you can save a lot of time (and time is money).
There are a lot of things that make shipping on Etsy a lot better, including the printer you use, how you print, etc. Here is more information to make shipping your Etsy sales quicker and easier.

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How Do I Print a Shipping Label From Dymo on Etsy?
When you sell and item on Etsy, go to “Orders & Shipping” and find the order you’re ready to create a shipping label for. Click on the van icon in the upper left of the item you want to ship.

Next, you ‘ll see the shipping labels page where you can choose between USPS or FedEx. Then you can fill in our package information, what shipping method you want to use, and any notes to the buyer. You’l as get a quote for the cost of the label. You’ll also need to choose the ship date.
Before buying the label, make sure that you chose “Format for 4×6 Label Printer” under the download preferencecs. This will format your PDF to be able to print easily on a Dymo 4xl label printer.

Once you hit Confirm and Pay it will take a second to process the payment. Then you should have a box pop up that says

When the label pops up on the screen, you’ll need to click the printer icon in the upper right. You should then have a box pop up that gives your printer options.
Make sure that the destination is set to your Dymo printer. Then make sure that the paper size is set to “1744907 4 in x 6in“. Then click “Print”. You now have your 4×6 shipping label using your DYMO LabelWriter 4XL!

To make sure that your printer settings are always set on 4×6 by default in Etsy, go to “Orders & Shipping“, click on the black “Get shipping labels” button in the upper right, and then click on the “Options” tab.
Scroll down the the “Download preferences” section and click the bullet next to “Format my Labels for 4×6 Label Printers“. Then scroll all the way to the bottom and click the black “Save” button.

Why We Highly Recommend a DYMO 4×6 Printer For Your Etsy Shop
Save time. I still can’t believe that we used to print out labels for every single sold item on separate pieces of paper and then cut each one out. Then we had to tape on every label one at a time. Now we can simply print the label and slap it on. It might not seem like that much time saved, but it adds up. You don’t realize how much time you save when you no longer need scissors or tape just to put the shipping label on!
Stop buying ink and paper. Yes, you still have to buy the rolls of labels (which are really inexpensive on Amazon, considering all the time you’re saving – here are our favorite labels). DYMO LabelWriter printers are thermal printers which means they do not have ink. The labels are printed with heat,
Look more professional. In addition to saving time, it gives your business a more professional look. Now you’re packages will look just like those that come from other online marketplaces.
Can You Print Shipping Labels From the Etsy App?
Unfortuantley the Etsy Seller App does not currently support purchasing or printing shipping labels. You must use a computer for this function.
However, not all is lost. There are still a lot of great benefits to the Etsy Seller app! Here is what you can use it for:
Communicate with buyers and answer questions on the go (you can even use the Snippets feature to save your most frequent responses and reply quicker!)
See you item analytics: views, visits, orders, favorites, and sales history.
Receive a fun “Cha-ching!” sound when you get an order, someone sends you a new Convo, or a buyer favorites your shop/items. These notifications can be customized in your settings.
View open and completed orders, relist items from sold orders, mark orders as shipped, add private notes, and send shipping notifications.
How Much Do Etsy Shipping Labels Cost?
When you purchase shipping labels through Etsy, you can take advantage of Commercial Base pricing and get a better discount than what you would receive going directly to the post office.
You can actually make a little extra on shipping by charging your customers the retail shipping rates while you actually pay commercial rates. You have to select this option in your shipping settings.
To change this setting, go to your Shop Manager, click on “Settings” and then select “Shipping settings“.
Next, click on “Rates & upgrades” where you can choose the rates you’d like to offer for calculated shipping. The Post Office retail rates will be the regular cost and the Etsy Shipping Label rates are commercial base rates. You can choose if you want to make money on the shipping or to pass your discount on to the buyers.

Can You Create a Shipping Label on Etsy Without an Order?
Unfortunately, you can’t just create a label in Etsy whenever you want one. However, if you need to send a buyer a replacement item or something like that, you can always print another label off of that same order. Keep in mind that the option to print another label will not always be there.
If you need to create a shipping label online, you can go to this link to print one directly from PayPal.
Related Questions
What is the payment processing fee on Etsy? The payment processing fee on Etsy is 3% PLUS $0.30 for each transaction. This is on top of the $0.20 listing fee that you pay to have the listing on Etsy.
Is there a monthly fee for Etsy? Etsy has two different subscription plans to choose from. However, you don’t have to pay for a subsription on Etsy. They have a free version and two upgrade options.