How Much Per Pound at Goodwill Outlet?
Knowing how much Goodwill Outlet charges per pound is important to know when determining if it’s worth shopping there.
So how much per pound at Goodwill Outlet? The price per pound is usually between $1.00 and $2.00 but varies depending on the Goodwill Outlet is different depending on the location. They also have different pricing strategies. Some price based on item type, some based on quantity, and others charge one price for everything.

Each Goodwill Outlet has their own way of pricing things. It’s best to call each location you plan on visiting and asking about their pricing a head of time if you want to know. However, I’ll help you understand the different ways Goodwill Outlet prices items.
Goodwill Outlet Pricing
There are four different ways that Goodwill Outlet handles pricing: one price per pound for everything, the more you buy the less it costs, different price depending on the type of item, and flat rates for furniture and heavier items.
One price per pound for everything. Our local Goodwill Outlet charges $1.29 for everything in the bins. This pricing method makes it much easier to determine your costs. Other stores might only charge $0.99 cents, the prices range.
The more you buy the less it costs. Some Goodwill Outlet’s offer pricing based on the quantity you buy. It really works to their advantage because it incentivizes you to buy more and they get rid of more items. For example, 1-24 pounds could cost $1.69 per pound, 25-50 pounds costs $1.49 per pound, and 50 pounds and over costs $1.29 per pound.
Different price depending on the type of item. You may come to a Goodwill Clearance Center that has a chart showing the different types of items offered and how much each one costs. This method is a little more complicated because you have to keep track of everything you want to buy and make sure it gets billed at the right amount.
Flat rate pricing for furniture and heavy items. There are items that cannot be put in the bins. They are often greatly discounted and and are a great deal.
Here is a pricing example from the Cincinnati, Ohio Goodwill Outlet store:
Prices by the pound | Prices by the item |
Glass $0.49/lb | CDs/DVDs/Records $1.00/ea |
Housewares $0.89/lb | Soft Cover Books $0.50/ea |
Clothing & Toys $0.99/lb | Hard Cover Books $1.00/ea |
Purses & Accessories$0.99/lb | Shoes $3.00/ea |
Clothing over 50lbs$0.59/lb | Kids Riding Toy $2.99/ea |
Electrics with cords$0.89/lb | Suitcases & Golf Bags $2.99/ea |
No matter how you pay for your items, you can expect to spend up to 75% less than normal thrift store prices!
When You’re Ready to Checkout at Goodwill Outlet
Make sure that you double check everything you’ve picked out to make sure the condition is what you wanted. Be sure to throw back anything that might add weight that you don’t need.
When you’re ready to purchase everything you’ve picked up, you’ll head to the register where you’ll roll your cart on to a scale. The scale has been adjusted to remove the weight of the cart so you aren’t paying for extra weight.
The cashier will add up your purchases and charge you accordingly. Goodwill Outlet stores do not bag your items for you. However, they might have bags available for you to bag up your items for yourself. Instead of bagging your items, you could also bring your own bags and totes to put items in your car.

Does Goodwill Outlet Take Credit Cards?
Most Goodwill Outlet stores do accept credit cards but you’ll want to contact your store directly to find out for sure. Our nearest Goodwill Outlet used to only accept cash but eventually switch to credit cards. Most locations will accept cash, credit cards, and debit cards, but no checks.